My top 7 tips for boosting your child's immunity

Boosting your child’s immunity

Are you sick of your child getting sick?? Be it Rains/winter/summer, your child gets sick and attracts every bug that passes your area! This leads to frequent visits to the doctor and dozens of medicines that come along with it. If you feel familiar and you are like most of us who want to treat and boost our child’s immunity naturally then I hope today’s article is going to be your savior!
It’s time for boosting your child’s immunity system naturally yet effectively with plenty of vitamin and mineral rich foods. All you need to do is hoard your fridge and pantry with these 7 immunity boosting food items.

1.      BROCCOLI- Broccoli or Baby Tree is a super-food with abundant supply of folate, iron, calcium and vitamin A. It not only treats constipation due to high fibre content but also boosts the immunity because of its anti-oxidant content.

How to eat- Try adding it in at-least one meal every day. If your child is a fussy eater try pureeing/ mashing / adding it in paratha/pasta/sauces/gravies/ sandwiches.

2.      EGGS- It is a great source of first class protein enriched with Vitamin D which in turn helps in calcium absorption.

How to eat- There are various ways to incorporate eggs in your child’s diet—boiled/omlette/scrambled/hard boiled/soft boiled/ egg sandwiches/ egg parathas/ egg curry / egg wrap. These options are best for lunch boxes as well.

3.      DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES- Spinach/ kale/ coriander/ fenugreek/Brussels sprouts/ amaranth etc. are rich sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fibre and calcium. These essential vitamins and minerals protect and prevent from any infections/influenza and help boost the body’s natural healing powers.

How to eat-  If your child doesn’t not buy the idea of greens then try incorporating them slowing in their diet by adding small amount of puree in the soups/ stews and in stir fries.
Try adding the veggies in mix veg. paratha/ Frankie/ sandwiches/ wraps/ pasta.

4.      WATER- Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!! Don’t forget to hydrate your child be it summer/ winter or rainy season. It helps to fight against flu, cough and cold.

How to drink- Start with coconut water, vegetable/fruit juices. Even herbal teas are of great help- ginger & lemon tea, spearmint tea, chamomile tea, turmeric water, cumin water, green tea etc.

5.      CITRUS FRUITS- Eat colored fruits and veggies like oranges, sweet limes, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, beetroot, tomaotes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberry, etc. as they are rich anti-oxidants and Vitamin C.

How to eat- Eat them as a snack or drink them as a smoothie. Try to make fruit salads, fruit smoothies/milkshakes this will entice your child to eat/drink these powerful immunity boosters.

6.       YOGHURT- It is packed with probiotics which will help in improving your child’s gut health.

How to eat- Add yoghurt in smoothies/ hung curd sandwiches/wraps/ fruit salad etc.

7.      FISH- Oily Fish like salmon, mackerel or sardines are rich in omega-3 oil and vitamin E. it strengthens the immunity and helps fight infection.

How to eat- Include fish in your child’s diet or for an extra boost try cod liver oil capsules.

By Dt. Manoli Doshi Mehta 

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